OxygenD's Trainer Talk

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Stop trying!

When it comes to getting in shape the toughest part is staying motivated. Every now and again I realize I have a different drive then many people. When I want to lose a few pounds, tone up, or put on a little muscle, I do. It's not that it's easy for me, but I set my mind to it and I just do it.

My biggest pet peeve is when people tell me they are "trying" to get in shape. Really people, don't "try", DO! I mean what the heck is "trying"?! Seriously! Stop messing around and, as Nike would say, "Just Do It"! Such a simple little slogan but boy do I wish I'd have thought of it before they did!

It's like when people say they are going to "try" to make it to an event or party, you know they aren't going to be there! It's a strange way of not committing and not feeling guilty about it. I have to giggle a little, but if you really think about it we've all done it!

When people tell me they are trying to lose weight and I ask them what trying means, I get some odd looks but no real good answers. So next time you say you are trying to do something, I want you to laugh a bit and correct yourself to "I AM DOING IT"! You'll be surprised how effective it is!

So that's my random thought for the day:) On a side note, I had a great weekend with Gunter and Jake. We went for a long walk on the beach, out for lunch, and to a fun Super Bowl party! How cute are we in our jerseys! What do you guys do last weekend? I'm trying to come up with something fun to surprise Gunter with for Valentine's Day, any ideas?


  1. Thank you so much for this post! Weekends are my pitfalls and I need to DO better eating clean on the weekends not TRYING to do better.
    I love that you and your lil cutie are both wearing steelers jerseys!!

  2. Posted the very same Nike slogan in my blog in January - Just Do It! It's a good one alright.

  3. Ahhhhh Kim!!!! I was just cooking dinner with my boyfriend and I started venting to him about a client of mine. Unfortunately I've gotten too close with her and recently she has slacked off and undone everything she did after coming so far. I spoke with her today and tried to remind her of what she told me once was important to her. She got upset with me and said "Now just isn't the time!!" I don't get it. I don't get why if you want to lose weight, add muscle, or improve in any way, you don't JUST DO IT. Don't try. Don't make up excuses. Just do. ughhhh!!!!!!!!! thank you for this!!
