OxygenD's Trainer Talk

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Priorities in order?

Yesterday was my son Jake's first Birthday and it was one of the best days of my life! Not because we had a big party, ate cake, or did anything crazy, but simply because I spent the day with my family and I took some time to really appreciate and celebrate life. There have been so many times in my life when things have gotten so far out of balance and priorities get really thrown off track. During those times are when I've been the most unhappy. It's not easy to put priorities in place and stick to a plan to keep them priorities.
Yesterday, I took the day off from work (mentally and physically, which I've learned are both key!) and spent the day with my husband and son. We started off with breakfast at our favorite little cafe in Seal Beach and then went to the Aquarium in Long Beach.
I have never been so happy as I laughed and played with my family. I've got crazy amounts of work to do, endless emails to answer, yet I was 100% with my family and not thinking about any of it. It felt so amazing to know that my family, my number one priority, was happy. Truly happy and complete. I'm so thankful for that I don't take it for granted for one second.
I thought today would be a perfect time to remind you all of your priorities and give you a few steps to help you get them and keep them on track!

1. Write down your priorities. Here are mine: My Family, My Health, and my Job. Keep in mind everyone's are different and that's OK. Be careful not to list too many. For example, my friends mean the world to me, but if I'm not balanced with my first priorities I'm not a happy camper and not a good friend. If I'm not healthy, I can't do my job! So for me, these are my top three!

2. Assess where your priorities are. BE HONEST! Do you spend more time on facebook then you do talking or spending quality time to you family? Do you skip workouts to take care of friends? Do you work overtime and miss meals? If the answer is yes, then it's time to make some adjustments.

3. Take action. Don't wait for life to balance out. Instead put down your fist and make it happen. There is not a single boss or coworker that wouldn't understand if you said, today is a special day, I need some family time. If they don't understand, it's time to reassess your job or your priorities!

Thanks so much for being fans, you make my job fun, easy, and always a priority!


  1. Hi Kim. Love your blog here @ Oxygen. Good to know that you're associated with them. I LOVE their magazines. In fact, after finding out about this blog on your FB page last night, I found a copy of the latest issue (on your blog-Glute Training) and purchased it at from the grocery store this morning.

    Thanks for the priority reminders. I need to re-think mine. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    :-) -Joan.

  2. Awesome post! I agree, Family is the most important priority...happy birthday to your little one! Enjoy your day!

    Lisa :)
